G.O.R.O.D.P.A.R.K. | Development of the MESH plant territory

Architecture & Interior Design Project Management Architecture Modeling

The development concept assumes the presence of two spatial scenarios of the territory and the environment - CITY / PARK, which form a fundamentally new quality of living environment and scenarios of people's lives. Scenario [CITY] Unleashing potential in the field of public and compact perimeter construction, a developed system of public spaces, various scenarios of courtyard spaces. The territorial characteristics of the territory with an area of ​​5.2 hectares in conjunction with the estimated number of inhabitants (about 6,000 people) can reflect direct urban structures. Scenario [PARK] - spatial OASIS - inversion of industrial ecology. Introvert space - forming its own qualities. A multifunctional park without cars with an area of ​​4.7 hectares (92% of the territory) is the main miracle of the living environment, bordered by 5 guards - houses with plates. The park accumulates new ecologies and different scenarios of perception and life, different natural facts: forest, garden, artificial lakes, sports.