Frozen Distraction

Painting & Sculpture Parody Digital Art Fine Art Graphics Pop Art Satire Current Affairs Photomontage Illustration Neo Pop Art Surrealism Humour Collage Digital Painting Art Painting

'Frozen Distraction' - This work has more than one title, permitting the viewer to access different narratives: Brief Encounters / Frozen Distraction / Animal Magic / Never Ending Stories / The Interviewees / Talking Heads The stage-like scene - silent, fixed and still, is full of tension - presents the group of surreal characters in a particularly minimal corporate interior. The idea for the composition is based on real-life experience. I ran my own Marketing/Branding business for 10 years. Finding new clients and winning project work requires communication/presentation skills and a serious investment of time. Early on, I was invited to an early morning business breakfast meeting. Throughout the life of what was a successful business, I attended countless breakfast meetings... regularly winning work. My artworks can be printed on a variety of materials and have the potential to be produced in a range of sizes, including large scale production. I have 1000+ artworks in my portfolio - the majority were made in the past 4 years. Many can be viewed on my website My artworks appear in Galleries, Corporate and Private Spaces, used as Illustrations for Printed and Digital Media applications (Books, Magazines, Advertising, Web) - Commissions Considered